Counter Fraud Campaign

CFG is supporting charities to tackle fraud

Fraud is estimated to cost the charity sector £1.9bn every single year. This is money which is being syphoned off from charities and the beneficiaries we serve.

Charities are awake to this threat and many are leading the way with robust counter fraud policies.

But we know that others are still grappling with this constantly-evolving criminal threat.

This is why we created the Counter Fraud Pledge which both acknowledged the work that charities are doing to combat fraud and guided you through the steps to prevent fraud in your organisation.

The interest in the pledge was great and we were so pleased that so many charities took part. Now its time for us to review the pledge and how CFG can continue to strengthen the sector. So, for now, sign-ups to the pledge are closed. But, the information is still valid so please do: