Current vacancies at CFG
We don’t currently have any vacancies at CFG, but please come back soon to check again. We’re always keen to hear from anyone with an interest in working at CFG, so please email to register an interest in working or volunteering with us.
Benefits of working at CFG
We offer a superb range of benefits:
- 25 days' annual leave per year in addition to bank holidays, increasing to 28 days after three years of continuous service (pro-rata if part-time).
- An extra three days' leave for the office Christmas closure.
- Wellbeing week closures - one in January and one in the summer.
- Time off for personal health appointments.
- Hybrid and remote flexible working options.
- Four paid volunteering days every year.
- A generous flexitime policy that allows employees to create a good work-life balance.
- Access to eye care vouchers and contribution to the cost of new glasses.
- 24-hour, free and confidential access to our mental wellbeing platform, Plumm.
- Enhanced sick pay, as well as enhanced parental and adoption leave.
- Continuing personal development - learning and development opportunities both individually and organisation wide, such as a mentor/coach, training courses and conferences.
- Auto enrolment to the Personal Pension Plan where CFG will contribute twice your contribution to the scheme up to 10%.
- Access to a season ticket loan or bicycle purchase loan to help ease the cost of travel in London (subject to completion of probation period) as well as interest-free employee loans.
How we pay our staff
CFG is an accredited Living Wage employer and we are committed to ensuring that we pay our staff fairly and in a way which ensures we attract and retain the right skills to have the greatest impact in delivering our charitable objectives.
In accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) CFG discloses:
- all payments to trustees (no trustees receive ‘pay’)
- the number of staff in receipt of more that £60,000 and above (in bands of £10,000)
- pensions and other benefits
CFG has a remuneration committee, which meets annually, is comprised of the CFG Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and one other (who shall be appointed by the Chair), which sets the pay for all staff.
The CEO and Director of Finance & Operations are in attendance for the meeting (leaving for the discussion regarding their remuneration respectively) and no members of the executive are members of the committee.
The main responsibilities of the Committee are to:
- Review the CFG salary banding and make sure amendments as are appropriate to ensure that CFG salaries remain competitive
- Determine the remuneration package of the Chief Executive
- Approve the annual percentage increase in the payroll for all staff (which can be zero) taking into account the average RPI for the previous year.
- Approve any consolidated pay awards and staff salary increases outside of the annual review process as recommended from time to time by the Chief Executive.
- Approve any non-consolidated pay awards (bonus) as recommended by the Chief Executive
- Determine pension arrangements and ensure that contractual terms on termination are fair to the individual and the charity, that poor performance is not rewarded and a duty to mitigate loss is recognised.
In determining CFG’s remuneration policy, the remuneration committee takes into account all factors which are deemed necessary. The objective of the policy is to ensure that the Chief Executive and staff team are provided with appropriate incentives to encourage enhanced performance and are, in a fair and responsible manner, rewarded for their individual contributions to the success of the Charity.
The appropriateness and relevance of the remuneration policy is reviewed annually, including reference to comparisons with other charities ensuring CFG remains sensitive to the broader issues e.g. pay and employment conditions elsewhere.
We aim to recruit, subject to experience, at the lower – medium point within a band, providing scope for development and opportunity to be rewarded for excellence. We do not employ interns without pay and we pay at least the London Living Wage for all our staff.
Delivery of CFG’s charitable vision and purpose is primarily dependent on our staff, which is the largest single element of charitable expenditure. The total of employee benefits including pension contributions received by Key Management Personnel in 2023 is £321,004 (2022: £259,037). CFG's Board had defined that "key management personnel" would be based on our scheme of delegation where significant control had been delegated to the CEO and others; namely Directors or those making decisions of a significant nature. As a result, the following roles have been included; CEO, Director of Commercial Services and Marketing, Director of Policy and Engagement and Director of Finance and Operations.

Our Annual Reports outline our remuneration in more detail.