CFG’s Board consists of up to 10 trustees and each can serve two terms of three years. Up to seven are required to be CFG members and are elected by other members, and the Board may appoint three non-member trustees to ensure a diversity of skills.
How trustees are appointed and what they do
- The three ‘non-member’ trustees are selected through a process of advertising and interviews by the trustees. The Chair and officers are appointed by the trustees from among their number.
- Appointment of the seven ‘member’ Trustees is by member nomination and election. The three ‘non-member’ Trustees are selected through a process of advertising and interviews by the Trustees. The Chair and officers are appointed by the Trustees from among their number.
- On appointment, each trustee signs a code of conduct and completes a register of interests.
- Trustees are given a handbook that includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association, policies and procedures on issues such as delegation of authority, recruitment, equal opportunities, and conflict of interest and other guidance.
- New trustees meet with the Chair and Chief Executive and undertake an induction process with the staff team. According to their skills and aptitude, they can take responsibility for at least one activity area by appointment to a support group or committee.
- The full Board normally meets five times a year, one of which is a ‘strategy day’.
The trustees have delegated management of CFG to the Chief Executive who reports on performance against the Strategic and Operational Plans approved by the trustees. Management Accounts are received quarterly by the Board and monthly by the Finance Committee.
Become a CFG trustee
You can become a trustee of CFG by being appointed by the Board, or by being elected by our member charities.
- Applying for an elected position: you must be working in a CFG member charity and nominate yourself, as well as being proposed by someone else from a CFG member charity. Our members vote for the person they feel fits the role and who they want to represent them at Board level.
- Applying for an appointed position: these are an opportunity for individuals who are not members of CFG to join our Board. The process includes completing an application form, and if successfully shortlisted, meeting with our CEO and our Chair to discuss your interest in the role, and your experience and skills.
CFG's Supporting Committees
Our supporting committees cover Finance, Remuneration and Nominations, and include at least one trustee. Each committee has its own Terms of Reference and any reports are presented at the full Board meetings. Other support groups are set up as needed to assist and inform the staff team.
CFG is a registered charity, number 1054914 (England and Wales) and SC052037 (Scotland). It is also a Company Limited by Guarantee, number 3182826. View a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Find out more about CFG’s board of trustees