
Finance is getting bigger. When CFG started, finance was mostly about producing accounts and paying invoices - now it’s become a strategic function within charities, with a growing range of responsibilities.

Explore these topics for a range of support and information on the key areas of finance affecting charities today.

Accounting and reporting

Transparency is becoming more and more important to the charity sector. Learn about how charities have specific reporting and accounting rules, codified in the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP).

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Banking and financial services

Charities, voluntary organisations and community groups all need somewhere safe and secure to keep their money. Our resources cover a range of issues on charity banking and financial services.

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Crisis management

It's often said that we live in uncertain times. Pandemics, war and other global, national and local events can have unforeseeable consequences on how our organisations are managed. And unexpected events within our own organisations can lead to crises too.

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Economy and policy

The economic and political environment is often challenging and unpredictable. Our resources help charities stay one step ahead so that they are never caught out by a shifting economic landscape or changes in government policy.

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Environmental, social, governance (ESG)

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Charities lose over £2bn a year through fraud every year, but active measures to combat fraud can reduce losses by 40%. So, there is plenty of scope for charities to better protect their resources – read on to find out more.

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Gift Aid

Gift Aid is one of the biggest tax reliefs that charities can access and is worth over £1bn to the sector every year. Find out how to maximise the value of donations to significantly boost the income your charity receives.

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Governance, legal and compliance

All too often, poor governance is behind failure within the charity sector. Trustees are ultimately responsible for the functioning of the charity, but they need support from staff and volunteers. Our resources guide you through the rules and regulations.

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Charities are operating in tricky times – ongoing austerity measures, unpredictable funding streams and difficulties getting grant funding have become commonplace, and the uncertainty of Brexit only brings further challenges. So how do charities review their investment strategies and diversify income streams against such uncertainty?

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IT, technology and digital

The world is going through a digital revolution and the charity sector is no different. Although many charities lag behind their private sector peers, there are many ways to make up ground - make use of our resources to help you.

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Leadership and career development

Trustees, chief executives and other leaders need to understand finance to make effective decisions – and it’s crucial that charities develop their people to become future leaders. Our extensive leadership resources help your organisation get into the right mindset.

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Pensions can be a complex and changing area, one that can be difficult to navigate. Our resources can help guide you in the right direction and will keep you up-to-date on pension rule changes.

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People and culture

People are the most important asset of any charity and many finance teams are not only responsible for the organisation’s financial assets, but also its staff and volunteers.

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Procurement and resources

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Everything that we do as charities involves risk. From the risk of being subject to fraud and cyber-crime to strategic risks related to the wider operating environment, there are numerous threats that we must be able to manage and plan for. Use our resources to ensure risk management is firmly embedded across your organisation.

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Tax and VAT

One of the main reasons to become a charity is to get benefits through the tax system. But tax can be a complex area and getting it wrong can be expensive – here’s how to make your charity as tax efficient as possible.

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