FRS102 April Webinar

Tuesday 29 April 2025

Online Webinar

Join CFG and Crowe for this free-for-members update delving into the implications of the changes on revenue and leases arising from the upcoming FRS102 changes.


Why should I attend?

Following a periodic review, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), published amendments to FRS102 in March 2024, which will be effective from 1 January 2026. In conjunction, the Charities SORP is also being redrafted. The latest version will be published in October 2025, effective from 1 January 2026, to align with the FRS102 changes and will also take into account changes to UK GAAP and other SORP updates.

Please note, this webinar will specifically focus on the changes resulting from the FRS102 updates. Central to the FRS102 changes is a new revenue recognition model and updates to lease accounting, affecting their presentation in the Balance Sheet and Statement of Financial Activities.


When and where?

  • Tuesday 29th April
  • 2.00pm - 5.00pm
  • Via Zoom 


How do I book?

Book below. You'll receive updated event information approximately one week prior to the event date.


Who should attend?

This event is free and open to all CFG members. If demand for this meeting exceeds capacity, we will look to expand this event. 


About CFG events and membership

Becoming a CFG member gives you access to exclusive benefits including event discounts, so find out more about CFG Membership before you book. Association of Independent Museums members can register for free CFG membership through our partnership.

CFG events, training and members' meetings can count towards your continuous professional development (CPD), and this event could provide you with two hours of CPD. For more details contact your association or email


Naziar Hashemi, Partner, Head of Social Purpose & Non Profit Organisations, Crowe UK

2pm - 5pm


Following a periodic review, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), published amendments to FRS102 in March 2024, which will be effective from 1 January 2026. In conjunction, the Charities SORP is also being redrafted. The latest version will be published in October 2025, effective from 1 January 2026, to align with the FRS102 changes and will also take into account changes to UK GAAP and other SORP updates.

Please note, this webinar will specifically focus on the changes resulting from the FRS102 updates. Central to the FRS102 changes is a new revenue recognition model and updates to lease accounting, affecting their presentation in the Balance Sheet and Statement of Financial Activities.

Charities - Members£0.00
Charities - Non-members£25.00
Individual - Members£0.00

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