Advertise with CFG

If you want to get your services across to our audience why not advertise with us - we have several packages for you to choose from to help amplify your organisation and stimulate interest in your products, services and approach. And when we share your content across our social media channels, you’ll be getting in front of an even larger – and growing – audience.


All of our advertising opportunities can be found in our media pack below.

Our corporate members also receive a member discount on sponsored slots for our fortnightly newsletter, a lively digest of the latest news, views and updates from the charity sector.

If you have an announcement, story, product or service that you’d like to advertise in our most-read email communication, sent to over 6,500 contacts across the charity sector, talk to the team about booking your slot.



Average Open Rate              

Average CTR                       














Since May 2023, our sponsored content slots are consistently in the top three most clicked pieces for each edition of the newsletter they've featured in. We have member-discounted slots, and non-member slots for the newsletter, which fill up quickly.

For more information on pricing, and to book a slot, contact the CFG Corporate Partnerships Team. 

Slots are now available from April 2024.


Looking to promote a new product or service? Need to share a new piece of research and capture leads? CFG’s website offers you the perfect platform from which to do just that!

Since the launch of our Knowledge Hub in spring 2022, we’ve seen an unprecedented amount of interest in what our community has to say online. And that interest is growing all the time.

You can now book ad space directly on our website to boost your brand. And whether it’s a banner advert or box advert, you can be sure it will be positioned where the audiences you want to target will see it. It’s the simplest way to boost your orgnisation’s brand and visibility. To ensure maximum impact and quality, ad spaces are limited. If you want to make the most of this opportunity, don’t delay!

Bookings and placements are now open - contact the CFG Corporate Partnerships Team to find out more information.

Find our terms and conditions, alongside our ad guidelines.

Sponsored articles are part of our new initiative to make the CFG website more content-friendly and to allow corporate partners to demonstrate their expertise on a range of our most popular topics for charity finance professionals.

Articles will be hosted publicly on our CFG Knowledge Hub - the new home for all CFG content, bringing together collective expertise in one place on the website.

Sponsored articles include a call to action that links through to relevant partner content, services or events you'd like to promote. The post will also include a bio and company boilerplate, and social media links emphasising your role as a trusted CFG partner.

Our marketing and communications teams will help optimise your content for maximum reach across users, and CFG will also promote your article on our social media platforms.

Slots are open to members and non-members - contact the Corporate Partnerships Team to find out more!


Our sponsored webinars allow you to connect with a focused network of charity finance professionals, with our monthly 2023 webinars all attracting on average 150 bookings.

For more information, please see the booking form and get in touch with the partnerships team to discuss availability.