
What are the qualities of an inspiring finance leader?

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Sayer Vincent Financial Leadership awards. The sector has had a rough ride in the media recently, so it was a great opportunity to step back and recognise some of the excellent work being done, and to consider how strong financial leadership can help to reclaim the ground the sector has lost. You’ll be hearing more from us in the coming months about this!

We were really delighted that our chairman, Ian Theodoreson, was recognised at the ceremony for his outstanding contribution to financial leadership. Whilst I have a heart-felt desire to shine a light on this deserved achievement of itself, there is also value in outlining what makes an inspiring financial leader – after all it is CFG’s strap line! CFG’s work aims to maximise the positive impact other charities can make by encouraging improvements in their effective management of finance and use of financial data. To transform the sector we need to inspire new thinking, increase financial skills and change the way that financial management is both seen and positioned in organisations.

Many of you will know that Ian was a founding member of CFG (or CFDG as it was originally called). His work and vision over the years has played a pivotal role in guiding the direction of travel in the sector. Firstly, in shaping CFG as an organisation dedicated to sharing best practice and raising standards. Since beginning his latest tenure (becoming CFG’s Chair in our 25th year), he has consistently championed the next phase of our journey: inspiring financial leadership.

Reflecting on this, the first qualities of an inspiring financial leader are vision, drive and the ability to adapt to a changing environment. It also helps not to have a huge ego! Ian is also a great ambassador; he speaks on the Inspiring Financial Leadership course and is not scared to say things which challenge traditional thinking about finance and about leadership. He is not someone who advocates command and control, but rather partnerships and collaboration. Ian’s passionate about the need for balance; to fill up your life with things you enjoy, to build your resilience and to make time to reflect and recover.

My second suggested tranche of qualities is therefore; courage, balance and humanity. As one of the speakers at our recent large charities conference said, ‘finance people are people too’. Break out of the stereotypes – be fun, generous and wise. The final group of qualities that landed Ian the prize were the willingness to take finance out of being a back office function, and show how placing finance at the heart of effective decision making is the future of a successful charity sector. To engage with the wider charity, an inspiring finance leader must also engage with the cause. Be humble, open, and big hearted. Approach situations with creativity, an open mind and flexibility. Get involved at the start of conversations about strategy and vision. Don’t have a monopoly on the good ideas, but encourage and support growth in others in the name of the cause.

Do all this and you too will be an inspiring finance leader! - Caron Bradshaw, chief executive of CFG.

This post was last reviewed on 27 February 2019 at 15:21
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