
Charities still virtually unprepared for a no-deal Brexit, finds survey

Three quarters of charities have made little or no preparation for a no-deal Brexit, and that 53 per cent are dissatisfied with the support they have received from government, according to a new survey conducted by the Charity Finance Group.

There has been little improvement since CFG polled charities on the same issue earlier in the year, where 83 per cent said they had made little or no preparation.

Comments from charities surveyed highlighted a widespread belief that a no-deal Brexit would be extremely damaging for charities. Of those who responded to a question about their greatest concerns around no-deal, well over half (60 per cent) highlighted danger to income. Others expressed concern over staff recruitment, the ability to deliver services, and the impact of widespread chaos and uncertainty across the UK. Only 12 per cent of respondents said they fully understood what no-deal meant for their charity.

The survey also highlights that the uncertainty over Brexit is already being felt by charities, with one respondent commenting “We are already taking a massive hit on exchange rates due to the weak pound.”

CFG is calling for government to invest more money in helping charities prepare for a no-deal Brexit and is asking for greater clarity around the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which is due to replace EU funding worth hundreds of millions of pounds to the sector.

Caron Bradshaw, Chief Executive of Charity Finance Group, said: “At a time of near-unprecedented political division and uncertainty, it is crucial that government gives civil society clarity about post-Brexit funding, and the confidence it needs to help heal the Brexit divide.”


See below for the full results:




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