Many charities, social enterprises and community groups are caught between a rock and a hard place. Large or small, they are experiencing an enormous increase in demand for their services at the same time they are seeing income drastically decrease due to lockdown restrictions and a fall in donations.
Furloughing staff could save jobs, but that means many charities won't be able to meet the demands of those people who are most in need.
On 5 November 2020, CFG and a coalition of 30 other civil society organisations wrote to the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak MP, asking him to meet urgently with a view to making the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) fit-for-purpose for social change organisations.
We want to explore job scheme solutions that encourage the sector to mobilise, rather than mothball.
Read our letter to the Chancellor.
Join in our campaign to #MobiliseNotMothball by signing our letter to the Chancellor and sharing a statement of support. Fill in our online form or email your name, title, organisation and message to our policy team.
The campaign is supported by leaders from both the non-profit and private sectors. Here is the growing list of signatories.
Take a look at our press releases and blog posts for more information. And feel free to share!
Use social media
We encourage you to get involved on social media by sharing our #MobiliseNotMothball message. Here are some media assets to download and share.