VAT and Tax Conference

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Online Conference

For 2.5 hours of CPD, our VAT and Tax Conference this July is an opportunity to deep dive into the dynamic landscape of VAT, tax, Gift Aid, and the technology impacting this arena. Our sessions are designed to equip attendees with the latest insights and strategies to navigate these critical areas effectively, helping them to push their finances further.


Why should I attend?

Join us for insightful discussions, practical advice, and updates from those working closely in the VAT and tax space. You can have a look at our full agenda below, but as a summary we will be able to provide you with:

  • The latest updates on VAT case law and optimising recovery
  • the up-to-date changes on relevant tax and Gift Aid
  • Information on the evolving digital tax reporting landscape

When and where?

  • Tuesday 9 July
  • 09.30-12.30
  • Online conference


How do I book?

Book below. You will receive a link and login details to join the meeting one week before the event.


Who should attend?

This event would be valuable for heads of finance, finance directors, finance managers and accountants.


About CFG events and membership

Becoming a CFG member gives you access to exclusive benefits including event discounts, so find out more about CFG Membership before you book. Association of Independent Museums members can register for free CFG membership through our partnership.

CFG events, training and members' meetings can count towards your continuous professional development (CPD), and this event could provide you with 2.5 hours of CPD. For more details contact your association or email


Suzanne Goldsmith, Partner - Charities and Not for Profit, Price Bailey

Scott Harwood, Partner, RSM

Tom Gilbert, Partner, Tax Technology, RSM

Martin Bailey, Partner, Goodman Jones

09:30 – 09:35

Welcome from the Chair

09:35 – 10:20

VAT Update

Stay ahead of the curve with updates on VAT case law and regulations tailored to charities. Learn how recent developments might affect your organisation and gain practical advice on optimising VAT recovery and leveraging available reliefs.

Martin Bailey, Partner, Goodman Jones

Rebecca Porter, National Technical Chair, VAT Practitioners Group

10:20 – 10:35

Coffee Break

10:35 – 11:20

Charity Tax and Gift Aid Update

Get up-to-date on changes in charity tax, including income tax, employment tax, Gift Aid, and international considerations. Understand the implications for your organisation and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.

Suzanne Goldsmith, Partner - Charities and Not for Profit, Price Bailey 

11:20 – 11:35

Coffee Break

11:35 – 12:20

Technology and Tax: Future Outlook for Charities

Explore the evolving landscape of digital tax reporting and its implications for charities. Is this new age a good or bad thing for charities? Discover what steps charities should take to prepare for the future, where to invest in technology, and how to navigate potential pitfalls. Evaluate the opportunities and challenges presented by the digital age for charitable organisations.

Scott Harwood, Partner, RSM

Tom Gilbert, Partner, Tax Technology, RSM

12:20 – 12:25

Chair’s Summary and Event Closes

Charities - Members£137.00
Charities - Non-members£210.00
Corporate - Members£327.00
Individual - Members£137.00