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Governance, legal and compliance Accounting and reporting Apr 2013

More of the wood, less of the trees: a trustee-centred approach to Management Accounts

CFG Adrian Randall Prize 2013

Hilary Seaward
Winner of the inaugural CFG Adrian Randall Prize

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Accounting and reporting Governance, legal and compliance Mar 2013

Annual Report 2012-13

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Accounting and reporting Jan 2013

Reporting - Do you have the right tools for the job?

When it comes to reporting, Finance Directors and their teams have more choice than ever. Despite the seemingly large array of reporting tools on the market, most fall into five main categories. In this paper, we looked at each in turn and explained their usage and benefits.

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Leadership and career development Jan 2013

Changing Faces. How CFOs can master their many roles

This white paper details the key financial management roles that should be performed in every organisation – and, crucially, who should play them.

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IT, technology and digital Jan 2013

Integrated information systems in the charity sector. Holy Grail or Poisoned Chalice?

Integrated information systems in the charity sector. Holy Grail or Poisoned Chalice?

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