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Risk Charity finance policy Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Governance, legal and compliance Accounting and reporting IT, technology and digital Leadership and career development Crisis management Jan 2021

Finance Focus January 2021

Welcome to the latest edition of Finance Focus! In this issue, we take a look at the subject of Risk and new ways to recognise and manage it. Plus, we speak to Caron Bradshaw, CEO of CFG, about her journey to the organisation and an OBE.

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Risk Charity finance policy Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Governance, legal and compliance Accounting and reporting IT, technology and digital Gift Aid Leadership and career development Crisis management Dec 2020

Finance Focus November/December 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of Finance Focus! In this issue, we ask charities and CFG's trustees about what they've learned in 2020 and what lays ahead. Topics also covered include annual reporting, gift aid and technology.

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Gift Aid Nov 2020

The AIM/CFG Guide to Gift Aid 2020

The joint CFG/AIM Guide to Gift Aid 2020. This publication is in association with the Association of Independent Museums.

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Tax and VAT Leadership and career development Crisis management People and culture Accounting and reporting Fraud Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Charity finance policy Oct 2020

Finance Focus October 2020

Welcome to the October 2020 edition of Finance Focus. Issues covered inside: Mental health; fraud; audits; training; Brexit and much more!

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Gift Aid Oct 2020

The CFG Guide to Gift Aid 2020

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