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Governance, legal and compliance Accounting and reporting Oct 2020

Welcome to IFR4NPO

WATCH: Our welcome to the International Financial Reporting for Non Profit Organisations (IFR4NPO). This video introduces this new initiative which aims to develop internationally applicable financial reporting guidance for non-profit organisations.

Investment Risk Charity finance policy Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Fraud Governance, legal and compliance Accounting and reporting People and culture IT, technology and digital Gift Aid Tax and VAT Leadership and career development Crisis management Sep 2020

Finance Focus September

Let's raise our voice to raise Gift Aid!

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People and culture Leadership and career development Sep 2020

How to avoid bias in job advert writing

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Crisis management Leadership and career development Governance, legal and compliance Environmental, social, governance (ESG) Charity finance policy Risk Aug 2020

Finance Focus August

Rethinking the future

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Crisis management Leadership and career development Aug 2020

Planning for the future in light of Covid-19