
Feb 10 2017
Accounting and reporting Charity finance policy Environmental social governance (ESG) Governance legal and compliance Tax and VAT

IFS 2017 Green Budget – the good, the bad, and the worrying?

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Feb 3 2017
People and culture

Auto-enrolment update from The Pensions Regulator

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) provides CFG monthly auto-enrolment updates. These blogs provide the latest guidance and messages from the regulator adapted by CFG for the charity sector. This month Charles Counsell, Executive Director at TPR offers his reflections on the AE process. This blog also provides links to CFG's guidance for small & micro charities going through the auto-enrolment process now.

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Jan 31 2017
Accounting and reporting Fraud Governance legal and compliance

Responsible Record Keeping: what do voluntary organisations need to know?

In this guest blog, Dr Charlotte Clements, Research Assistant on the British Academy project ‘Digitising the Mixed Economy of Welfare’, writes about the need for charities to have good archives and record management and how our new project can support you.

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Jan 17 2017
Charity finance policy

What does Theresa May’s Brexit Speech mean for charities?

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Jan 12 2017
Charity finance policy

If I was Prime Minister for a day...

On Monday the Prime Minister spoke at the Charity Commission's annual public meeting. In her speech she talked about the 'shared society'. In this blog CFG's policy team Anjelica, Heather and Andrew will present one policy that they would introduce to bring about a truly 'shared society' if they were Prime Minister of the day/

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