
Jul 15 2016
Charity finance policy

'Be the change you wish to see in the world': Caron's reflections on Brexit and what's next for the sector

By Caron Brashaw, CEO of Charity Finance Group 

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Jul 14 2016
Charity finance policy Environmental social governance (ESG)

Post-Brexit Autumn Statement is first key battleground

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Jun 24 2016
Charity finance policy Environmental social governance (ESG) Governance legal and compliance

EU Referendum: Keep watching this space…

The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union and the Prime Minister has resigned. What does this mean for charities? The decision to leave the European Union will have a significant impact on the future of our country and Sir Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive of NCVO, has written an excellent blog post outlining the importance of charities in this new situation.

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Jun 21 2016
Accounting and reporting Governance legal and compliance

CFG's SORP Survey

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Jun 15 2016
Governance legal and compliance

Guest blog: Stamp duty increase reinforces case for charity investors to invest in stamp-exempt funds

In this guest blog, James Thornton from Mayfair Capital explores a more hidden benefit for charity investors from the Budget back in March. 

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