
Dec 17 2015
Charity finance policy Environmental social governance (ESG)

What’s in local government’s Christmas stocking?

t’s Christmas and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has unveiled the government’s provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for 2016-17. The Local Government Finance Settlement is effectively a ‘Local Government Budget’ for the year and its provisional nature means it is open for consultation. Overall, this year's stocking was filled with a combination of lumps of coals and a couple of potentially tasty oranges (ho, ho, ho). Here are the headlines that charities need to know.

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Dec 16 2015

...And the winner is

CFG were recently accepting nominations for the £5000 Adrian Randall Challenge Prize, calling for entries that exemplified good practice in charity finance. We were delighted to announce the winner at our Annual Fundraising Dinner in mid-November: Nick Dugdale from Compassion in World Farming.

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Dec 10 2015
Charity finance policy Gift Aid Tax and VAT

Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme: Is it really working for charities?

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Dec 7 2015
Charity finance policy Governance legal and compliance

Social investment: Government's Windex for civil society

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Dec 3 2015

What will the Apprenticeship Levy mean for charities?

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