
Aug 28 2015
Governance legal and compliance Tax and VAT

Targeted giveaways risk creating a hierarchy of charities

Successive budgets over the last and current parliament have introduced targeted giveaways to charities through both Libor fines and VAT rebates. These funds have gone to selected organisations including military charities, rescue services, and youth organisations. Whilst this funding is very much welcome to those charities that receive it and their beneficiaries, such giveaways are becoming a worrying trend and risk categorising the sector into worthy and less worthy organisations, as deemed by the government of the day.

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Aug 20 2015

Seeing the road ahead

CFG have just launched the 2015 Adrian Randall Challenge Prize. This guest blog is from Hilary Seaward, the recipient of the inaugural prize in 2013. Hilary won the prize for a proposal ...

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Aug 19 2015
Environmental social governance (ESG) Governance legal and compliance

The time for ‘rational optimism’ – A response to Matt Ridley

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Aug 13 2015
Environmental social governance (ESG) Tax and VAT

Public benefit is at the core of both charities and the tax system

Some of you may have read a recent column in the Financial Times by its Money Week Editor, Merryn Somerset Webb entitled “Charity should not begin with a tax break ...

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Aug 5 2015
People and culture

What do we do with a problem like LGPS?

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