

Greater Manchester Fire Service Museum

Greater Manchester Transport Society

Green Alliance

Greenfingers Charity

Greenham Control Tower

Greenwich Hospital

Guild of Handicraft Trust

Guy's & St Thomas' Foundation

Habitat for Humanity Great Britain

Hackney Council for Voluntary Service

Halton and St Helens VCA

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Hampshire Cultural Trust

Hansard Society Ltd

Harvey's Foundry Trust/Hayle Heritage Centre

Havens Hospices

HCPT (Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust)

Heart of England Forest

Heart Research UK

Heather Lomas Consulting

Helen and Douglas House

Help for Heroes

Help Musicians

Hereford Cider Museum

Herefordshire & Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust

Heritage Group Bellingham

Hertford Museum

High Green Development Trust