
Asking for your help

An open letter from Caron Bradshaw on behalf of CFG to all our members, corporate partners, supporters and friends.

You probably know I like a good TedTalk! If you can spare 13 mins you might like to watch this wonderful Tedtalk from Amanda Palmer. In it, the American musician shares how she shifted her thinking to enable her ‘to give fearlessly and ask without shame’.

Everything CFG does depends on our relationship with you -our charity and corporate members. Covid-19 has proven to us how much we need you to enable us to serve the sector and also how much you need and value us in return. It is a relationship of mutual benefit and, I believe, mutual trust.

At this point in your own constrained and uncertain journeys I have worried that asking for your help might feel unfair - that you too are struggling and many of you have also ensured that your organisations continue to support us through renewing your membership of CFG. Thank you so much.

I’m going to be vulnerable and brave in asking whether you can do more. This time I’m asking of you in your personal capacity as a member of the CFG community. Can you help with a donation - however big or small?

In March we recognised that Covid-19 would put at risk between a quarter and a third of CFG income. As you would expect we have acted quickly to cut costs, without impacting service or putting our staff team at risk and find ways to protect and increase our income. We’ve held back on recruiting some vacancies, reduced overheads and I’ve taken a 12% pay cut. At the same time, I have been hugely proud of my team switching our work to digital delivery as much as possible and even increasing output to meet member demand. We’ve been incredibly busy internally, with our membership and also the wider sector.

As time has marched on, we have greater certainty on what our financial position is. Despite early steps we currently have a large funding gap which could be as much as half a million pounds by year-end. So, I am launching a campaign. As Amanda Palmer says: “when people really see you they want to help you”.

Can you help support CFG and the vital work we’re doing right now; ensuring we’re here to keep helping the sector, as we navigate these torrid times? If that is something you are willing and able to do, please follow this link here.

Whatever the answer to that question is – a heartfelt thank you from me on behalf of the whole CFG team. And if you have further questions or thoughts to help us I would, as always, love to hear from you.

Kind regards

Caron Bradshaw


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