
Nov 7 2016
People and culture

Government must get on with pensions reform

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Nov 4 2016
Governance legal and compliance

Charging charities for regulation isn’t inevitable but it is risky and inefficient

The hookey-cokey of the Charity Commission consultation on charging charities for regulation continued on Wednesday, with the Chair of the Charity Commission once again saying that he viewed charging for ...

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Oct 28 2016
Fraud Governance legal and compliance IT technology and digital

Let's talk about the F-word

So what do we mean when we say the ‘F’ word? Are we talking about watching Gordon Ramsay shout at helpless cooks for an hour or two on the TV? Nope, we’re talking about something much more exciting (and more important!) F.R.A.U.D.

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Oct 27 2016
Accounting and reporting Charity finance policy

You must not miss your chance to shape the next SORP

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Oct 25 2016
Charity finance policy People and culture

Apprenticeship levy update - October 2016

This morning the Department for Education announced updates to their plans for reforming the apprenticeship system. Of particular interest to charities is the extension in the time that employers will be allowed to spend their levy, and the launch of the applications process for the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers.

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