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Charity Finance Group members have elected three new trustees to replace Diane Bassett, Kevin Barnes and Ian Theodoreson who have stood down after reaching their maximum six years on the CFG Board.
This exposure draft for PN 11 has been produced due to changes to the legislative and regulatory framework and developments in account and audit framework, including the new Charities SORP FRS 102. Our response draws from the experience and knowledge of the auditors and accountants in CFG’s Technical Accounting Forum.
As part of its Small Charities Programme, funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Charity Finance Group has released a report on the state of small charity accountancy and support service providers such as community accountants and Councils for Voluntary Services.
Leaving EU could ‘unlock financial resources and cut red tape'
‘Clean Brexit’ poses ‘less risk’ to voluntary sector than remaining in the Single Market and customs union
Reducing tax burden on charities could create 50,000 more jobs
Charity Finance Group (CFG) has launched a guide to help small charities counter fraud. The guide, The Small Charities Guide to Preventing Fraud looks at measures that charities can put into place to help them stop fraud.