With the charity sector currently facing a £10.1bn funding gap due to the Covid-19 pandemic, every penny counts. Gift Aid is worth £1.3 billion to the charity sector, but every year £560 million goes unclaimed.
On Gift Aid Awareness Day hundreds of charities will encourage donors to #TickTheBox.
To help charities claim more and shrink the £560m gap, CFG has launched a campaign toolkit and will be running a range of activities on the day. These include:
- a Gift Aid webinar with HMRC and accountancy firm Buzzacott
- a dedicated helpline for members of the Association of Independent Museums
- a new CFG Guide to Gift Aid
There will also be an extra campaign this year as civil society calls on government to temporarily increase the level of Gift Aid.
Led by a coalition of charities, including CFG and Charities Aid Foundation, the Gift Aid Emergency Relief campaign could secure an extra £450m for the sector and benefit more than 70,000 charities. If successful, the temporary emergency relief would mean that a £100 donation would be worth £133.33, rather than £125.
Charities that sign up to the campaign will receive a supporter's pack so they can join the campaign on Gift Aid Awareness Day.
Caron Bradshaw, CEO of CFG, comments: “CFG’s third Gift Aid Awareness Day is set against a backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and significantly reduced income for the sector. It is more important than ever that we raise awareness of Gift Aid and encourage donors to #TickTheBox.
“Civil society is now under enormous pressure to do much more with even less. We must do all we can to maximise this important tax relief and urge government to temporarily increase the level of Gift Aid. This would go a long way towards ensuring our never more needed sector can continue to meet the needs of the millions of people who use our critical services and expertise.”

About CFG
Charity Finance Group (CFG) is the charity that inspires a financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. We do this by championing best practice, nurturing leadership and influencing policy makers. Over 1,400 UK charities turn to us to develop their finance management knowledge and skills. Collectively, these charities manage £22bn of funds – that represents around a third of the entire charity sector’s income.
About Gift Aid Awareness Day
Gift Aid Awareness Day and the #TickTheBox campaign was launched by CFG in 2018 to raise public awareness of this often misunderstood tax relief, and provide the charity sector with more expert advice and information on how they can maximise Gift Aid for their organisations.
About the Gift Aid Emergency Relief campaign
The Gift Aid Emergency Relief campaign is being led by a coalition of charities. The coalition proposes that Gift Aid be raised from 20% to 25% and that the Small Donations Scheme that makes claiming Gift Aid easier for small charities be extended to many more. More than 450 charities have now signed up in support of these proposals.
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