
Oct 27 2017

What makes your charity attractive to fraudsters?

Paul Ridout of IBB Solicitors looks at what makes charities a target for fraudsters. 

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Oct 20 2017

Beware of snake oil pensions salesman

Beware of scammers dipping into your pension says David Davidson of Spence and Partners'. Know what to look out for and remember, if it seems too good to be true it probably is.

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Oct 20 2017

How safe is your charity from cybercrime?

John Baker of Moore Stephens looks at what charities need to do to reduce their risks of becoming a victim of fraud. Cybercrime, including deviant phishing scams, ransomware, and mandate fraud are becoming more prevalent as charities are receiving more donations online than ever.

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Oct 20 2017

'Collecting bucket' fraud becomes more sophisticated

 John Tranter, a CFG trustee explores how charities can communicate with their donors to help them avoid falling victim to these scams, and shares a case of how easily it can happen.

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Oct 20 2017

Reflections on how organisations can implement new ways of thinking to combat fraud

Following the development of new mitigation framework, Amnesty International’s Pascale Nicholls, reflects on how the organisation implemented new ways of thinking and working in relation to bribery, corruption and fraud. ...

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