
Sep 25 2017
Environmental social governance (ESG) Fraud Governance legal and compliance People and culture

6 simple steps your charity can take to help protect themselves from fundraising fraud

Fundraising fraud is where a fraudster (who might be known) collects money on behalf of the charity but keeps some or all of the money and can be difficult for a charity to track.

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Sep 25 2017
Accounting and reporting Fraud Governance legal and compliance

Do I need a fraud response plan?

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Sep 25 2017
Accounting and reporting Fraud Governance legal and compliance

Fraud and the 3 C's

Throughout CFG’s Counter Fraud Campaign we have talked a lot about establishing controls, culture and communications, or the 3 C’s. It is important to also think about how these 3 C’s link together to support each other. So this blog post is going to discuss how you can ensure that the 3 C'’s are working together

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Aug 23 2017
Charity finance policy Environmental social governance (ESG)

Could political instability create financial instability for charities?

Charities have operated for some time in the midst of economic instability. This has become the bread and butter for most organisations - the recession, cuts in government spending or ...

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Aug 3 2017
Accounting and reporting Governance legal and compliance

How can charities ensure they work towards gender equality in their organisation?

CFG has previously reported on the introduction of gender pay regulations for organisations that have at least 250 employees as of the 5th April 2017. 

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