Knowledge Hub

  • Beyond Eeyore: Growing your influence as a charity finance director

    Topics: Leadership and career development
    Posted: 28.06.2013

    This research report is published as part of the Clore Social Fellowship and provides information for finance directors seeking to improve their influencing ability within their organisations.

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  • Gift Aid made simple

    Topics: Gift Aid
    Posted: 10.06.2013

    Gift Aid made simple guide.

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  • Tax Effective Giving - Made Simple Guide

    Topics: Gift Aid
    Posted: 16.05.2013

    Tax effective giving - made simple guide.

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  • More of the wood, less of the trees: a trustee-centred approach to Management Accounts

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 01.04.2013

    CFG Adrian Randall Prize 2013

    Hilary Seaward
    Winner of the inaugural CFG Adrian Randall Prize

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  • Annual Report 2012-13

    Topics: Accounting and reporting / Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 31.03.2013
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  • Changing Faces. How CFOs can master their many roles

    Topics: Leadership and career development
    Posted: 01.01.2013

    This white paper details the key financial management roles that should be performed in every organisation – and, crucially, who should play them.

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  • Integrated information systems in the charity sector. Holy Grail or Poisoned Chalice?

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 01.01.2013

    Integrated information systems in the charity sector. Holy Grail or Poisoned Chalice?

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  • Reporting - Do you have the right tools for the job?

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 01.01.2013

    When it comes to reporting, Finance Directors and their teams have more choice than ever. Despite the seemingly large array of reporting tools on the market, most fall into five main categories. In this paper, we looked at each in turn and explained their usage and benefits.

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  • Related parties made simple

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 02.09.2012
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  • Reviewing Your Mobile Fleet: The Considerations

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 01.09.2012

    This paper sets out to look at options that are open to any organisation looking to review their current mobile provision as well as looking at alternatives. It goes on to talk about Microsoft Lync as a communication tool- if having considered this paper your organisation would be interested in a trial of Lync at no cost, please do contact Auditel.

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  • World Vision UK - Board Policy - Risk Management

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Risk
    Posted: 20.06.2012

    This Policy sets out a framework for Risk Management as approved by the WVUK Board. The Policy seeks to reflect best practice for managing businesses as well as enabling the Board to discharge its reporting obligations under Charity Commission regulations and Company Law.

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  • Beyond Reserves

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 06.06.2012

    Beyond Reserves has been produced by CFG, ACEVO, the Institute of Fundraising and Sayer Vincent, and looks at the strategic management of charity reserves. The publication includes insights and case studies from chief executives, finance and fundraising directors from a range of organisations.

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