
Nov 25
Financial sustainability Leadership and career development

CFG's initial comment on the government's Spending Review

Today, Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his Spending Review. Here's CFG's initial reaction to his announcement.

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Nov 23
Crisis management Leadership and career development

PRESS RELEASE: Economists sound warning over 'charity crunch'

Seventy-five per cent of charities expect higher demand in 2021, while 83% forecast income decline. The results of the latest PBE Covid Charity Tracker Survey reveal a troubling gap between increasing demand and declining income.

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Nov 18
Crisis management Leadership and career development

Charity and business leaders call on Chancellor to take urgent action to support sector

#MobiliseNotMothball campaign launches with urgent message to government from more than 100 leaders private and non-profit organisations.

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Nov 5
Crisis management Financial sustainability Leadership and career development

Civil society urges Chancellor to urgently make job scheme fit for purpose

A coalition of civil society leaders has written to Rishi Sunak to urge him to develop a Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) fit for purpose for social change organisations.

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Nov 5
Crisis management Financial sustainability

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme extended into the spring

CFG's Policy Manager Richard Sagar takes a look at today's government announcement that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will be extended.

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