
Aug 17

Asking for your help

An open letter from Caron Bradshaw on behalf of CFG to all our members, corporate partners, supporters and friends.

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Jul 20

CFG writes to Danny Kruger with a plan for Communities

Together with twenty other charity organisations as part of the Never More Needed campaign, we have written to Danny Kruger with our recommendations for his review into communities post Covid-19 to help civil society Build Back Better

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Jun 25
Crisis management Gift Aid

Charities call for boost to Gift Aid amid pandemic fundraising shortfall

A coalition of leading voices in UK charities has called on the Government to temporarily increase the level of Gift Aid that can be claimed on donations.

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Jun 24

Our commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion

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Jun 18
Crisis management Financial sustainability

Charities are facing a £12.4bn shortfall in income for the year due to impact of coronavirus

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising (IoF) and Charity Finance Group (CFG) say today that charities are facing a huge predicted loss to their income as they continue to grapple with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and continued social distancing measures.

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