
Jun 10
Crisis management

Launch of new #NeverMoreNeeded web hub

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Apr 30
Crisis management

Coronavirus and your charity

This page is no longer being updated please visit for up to date content

What can you do to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus? A practical guide for charity finance professionals, which will be updated with new information and advice as the crisis unfolds.

Contact us at if you have any information you'd like us to share, experience you'd like to share, or questions you'd like us to answer.


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Apr 23
Crisis management

Share your story #NeverMoreNeeded

Launching today a new campaign to celebrate the vital work of the charity sector.

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Apr 1
Crisis management

What you can do for your sector


Beneficiaries and communities need you to act. We need your urgent help to make #EveryDayCounts go viral.

Help us with campaigning and providing the evidence to help Government understand that investing in the sector and preventing our collapse is essential.

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Mar 30
Crisis management

Coronavirus impact survey results

Charities reported that they expect a 42% increase in demand for their services but a 48% decline in voluntary income, according to new research published today.

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