
Sep 3
Charity finance policy

Brexit will be bad for both charities and beneficiaries, says new report from CFG

In a new report on the impact of Brexit on charities, Charity Finance Group calls on the government to urgently adopt a six-point plan to create a better outcome for the sector.

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Jun 22

CFG and AIM launch new three-year partnership

The Association of Independent Museums (AIM) and CFG have launched a new partnership which will see CFG’s over 1,400 members combine with AIM’s 800 members to spread financial best practice across the museums sector.

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Jun 5
Charity finance policy People and culture

Post-Brexit immigration rules could cause skills shortage in charities

A new report from the Institute of Public Policy Research, commissioned by Charity Finance Group, has found that 82% of EU nationals currently working in the charity sector would be ineligible to work in the UK, if the same rules that apply to non-EU nationals were applied to them. This rises to 87% in social and residential care job roles.

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May 8
Charity finance policy Financial sustainability

Charities need to find nearly £4bn additional income by 2020 finds CFG

Charity Finance Group’s latest Economic Outlook Briefing has found that inflation mean that charities have to raise £3.7bn a year extra by 2020 in order to maintain their spending power from 2014/15.

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Mar 20
Gift Aid

Gift aid awareness day

Following the publication of a government report that has found that £560m of Gift Aid goes unclaimed every year, Charity Finance Group is launching a “Gift Aid Awareness Day” for charities across the country on the 4th October 2018.

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