
Charity finance policy Governance, legal and compliance

Caron Bradshaw appointed as a member of new SORP Committee

Caron Bradshaw, CEO at Charity Finance Group has been appointed as a member of the new SORP Committee.

The fourteen new members of the Charities SORP Committee have been announced today. The SORP Committee oversees the rules for financial reporting by charities and works to advise the Charities SORP Making body, which is comprised of the charity regulators for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland and will oversee the development of a new SORP over the coming months

Commenting on her re-appointment to the Committee, Caron Bradshaw said:

“I am very pleased to have been reappointed to the Charities SORP Committee. I look forward to working with the members of the new committee in the development of the next Charities SORP, strengthening public benefit reporting which remains rooted in appropriate financial reporting standards. I will continue to press for our work to uphold and promote the highest standards of financial and performance reporting; striking a careful balance between benefit and burden whilst ensuring we serve the public interest and deliver public benefit.”

CFG will be keeping members informed on the engagement process for the development of the new SORP.

Caron and Nigel Davies will be leading a session, at our Annual Conference, setting out the approach to developing the SORP and outlining the opportunities to get involved. Find out more

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