
Beever and Struthers

Contact: Geraldine Finn

Beever and Struthers
One Express
1 George Leigh Street
M4 5DL

Serving the charity sector has long been a core focus at Beever and Struthers. Our charity clients are diverse in what they do, including the arts, health, social welfare, education, conservation and faith-based activities, and have given us a deep understanding of the many challenges that face charities today. Those challenges are tougher than ever, with cuts in public funding, rising costs, climate change, and diversity and inclusion.


Because charities and trusts operate within a different legal and accounting framework to other commercial ventures, we have our own dedicated team to support our clients in this sector. Our experience enables us to provide bespoke, practical advice and value for money services from the range of disciplines, including external audit, internal audit, accounting services, tax planning and compliance, VAT, governance and risk management, mergers and acquisitions, and training for staff and trustees.


Proving the Firm’s commitment to the charity sector, Executive Partner Maria Hallows holds the ICAEW’s Diploma in Charity Accounting (DChA). This is a leading qualification in charity finance and requires a specialist understanding of charity accounting and financial management.


For further information on how we can assist you please email Alternatively, you can ring our offices on 03330 910411.



Governance, legal and compliance
Accounting and reporting