Knowledge Hub

  • A personal appeal from Caron

    Topics: People and culture
    Posted by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 21.12.2021

    Can you help support CFG and the vital work we're doing right now; ensuring we're here to keep helping the sector, as we navigate these torrid times? CFG's CEO, Caron Bradshaw OBE, makes a personal appeal.

    Time to read: 1 minutes
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  • CFG comments

    Looking after our people

    Topics: People and culture / Crisis management
    Written by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 13.12.2021

    After nearly two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, employee health and wellbeing has become a critical issue for all organisations. CFG's CEO, Caron Bradshaw OBE, explains how CFG is working to look after its people and why CFG will be closing for an extended period in January.

    Time to read: 5 minutes
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  • Special Interest Group

    New to the charity sector? You’ve come to the right place!

    Topics: People and culture / Leadership and career development
    Written by: CFG
    On: 10.12.2021

    A new group to support finance directors new to the charity sector is being launched. Zoe Bennett, Senior Membership and Insight Manager, at CFG explains more.

    Time to read: 1 minutes
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  • Finance Focus November/December 2021

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / People and culture / IT, technology and digital / Leadership and career development / Crisis management
    Posted: 10.12.2021

    This month, we take a look at CRM solutions, data and fundraising and employer branding. We also explore what organisations are doing to ensure employee wellbeing.

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  • The role of employer branding in a post pandemic world

    Topics: People and culture
    Written by: Annie Hayes
    On: 02.12.2021

    Annie Hayes at Third Sector Jobs shares advice on how to ensure charitable organisations put employer branding at the fore in a post pandemic world.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Small charities

    Financial strategy and contingency planning for smaller charities

    Topics: Leadership and career development / Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
    Posted by: CFG
    On: 27.11.2021

    How can smaller charities set out a plan for their finances? Where's the best place to start? As part of CFG's new Small Charities Programme, cost reduction analyst James Rimmer explains what small charities can do now to plan ahead for 2022 and beyond.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Interview

    Thinking about becoming a trustee? Just do it!

    Topics: People and culture / Leadership and career development
    Posted by: CFG
    On: 04.11.2021

    Gary Forster joined CFG as trustee six years ago before being appointed as Chair. His career began as a volunteer at Transaid, where he worked his way up to become CEO five years later. After a short career break to travel, he joined Publish What You Fund as CEO in July 2018. He has sat on the boards of three charities, including CFG.


    Time to read: 5 minutes
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  • Finance Focus October 2021

    Topics: Investment / Risk / Charity finance policy / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Governance, legal and compliance / Gift Aid / Leadership and career development / Crisis management
    Posted: 29.10.2021

    This month, we consider reputational risk and what it means to charity finance leaders, and we share some of the stories of organisational change from this year's Annual Conference. We also look at aspects of charity investment and discrimination at work.

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  • Campaign

    Shifting the dial, one job advert at a time

    Topics: Leadership and career development / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / People and culture
    Posted by: CFG
    On: 25.10.2021

    CFG reaffirms its commitment to #ShowTheSalary to end discriminatory recruitment practice.

    Time to read: 2 minutes
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  • CFG comments

    In pursuit of partnership

    Topics: Leadership and career development / Economy and policy
    Written by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 18.10.2021

    Civil society stands ready to build a brighter future in partnership with the new Minister for Civil Society, says Caron Bradshaw, CEO, CFG.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • How to create an age-diverse workforce in the third sector

    Topics: People and culture
    Written by: Annie Hayes
    On: 07.10.2021

    Annie Hayes at Third Sector Jobs shares tips on how to recruit and retain a workforce within the third sector that champions employees of all ages.

    Time to read: 2 minutes
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  • The CFG Guide to Gift Aid 2021

    Topics: Gift Aid / Tax and VAT
    Posted: 07.10.2021
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