Knowledge Hub

  • Essential Charity Finance for Trustees Guide

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 28.03.2018

    Charity Finance Group (CFG), sponsored by MHA MacIntyre Hudson, have launched a new guide for trustees on their financial responsibilities. The guide is aimed to be a primer for new trustees and existing trustees that need to refresh their memories about their financial responsibilities.

    The guide covers how trustees should approach financial governance in their charity, legal responsibilities, accounting and reporting requirements, financial strategy, policies and information, financial reporting, audits and independent examinations, regulators and law enforcement as well as key resources.

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  • Finance Focus March 2018

    Posted: 19.03.2018
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  • Impact of money laundering and counter-terrorism regulations on charities

    Topics: Fraud
    Posted: 01.03.2018
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  • Finance Focus February 2018

    Posted: 01.02.2018
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  • Navigating the Charity Pension Maze

    Topics: People and culture
    Posted: 17.01.2018

    Charity Finance Group (CFG) has launched the latest edition of Navigating the Charity Pensions Maze.

    We’ve brought together the experts in the field to guide you through the latest changes in the pensions universe.

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  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A guide for charities

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 16.01.2018

    Charity Finance Group, in partnership with Buzzacott, Crowe Clarke Whitehill and Kingston Smith, has launched the General Data Protection Regulation: A guide for charities. The guide has something for every charity and is split into five parts; governance, fundraising data, financial data, beneficiary data and employee data. The guide is aimed at helping to build knowledge and understanding of what the GDPR is what responsibilities organisations have to be GDPR compliant and know what to do in light of a data breach. This guide is for anyone with responsibility for data management within their charity, from trustees, to finance directors, to volunteers.

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  • Finance Focus January 2018

    Posted: 01.01.2018
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  • Finance Focus November/December 2017

    Posted: 01.12.2017
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  • Trustee Survey Report

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 13.11.2017

    MHA MacIntyre Hudson and Charity Finance Group (CFG) have launched a report on the effectiveness of trustees on financial governance. This report is based on a survey of over 120 trustees in charities, which was carried out before CFG’s 2017 Annual Conference.

    This report highlights the lack of regular assessment of skills and competencies within trustee boards on financial governance, and warns against complacency within trustee boards on strategic financial governance.

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  • Finance Focus October 2017

    Posted: 01.10.2017
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  • Finance Focus September 2017

    Posted: 01.09.2017
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  • Finance Focus August 2017

    Posted: 01.08.2017
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