Knowledge Hub

  • Banking Tender

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 25.05.2011

    It is a surprisingly common fact but many charities do not have a regular process for reviewing their banking arrangements. Those organisations that do have such a policy will often not conduct a full review and still others pass the responsibility onto a third party adviser service.

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  • Group Cash Flow

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 16.05.2011

    Cash flow template.

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  • White Paper - 5 Tips to Speed Up Month End Reporting

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 16.05.2011

    This document examines Month End Reporting and gives the reader 5 tips to speed up the moth end reporting process.

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  • The Resilience to Fraud of the UK Charity Sector

    Topics: Fraud
    Posted: 14.05.2011

    This Report considers how well the UK Charity Sector protects itself against fraud.

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  • World Vision UK - Anti-Fraud Policy

    Topics: Fraud
    Posted: 13.05.2011

    This policy sets out WVUK’s attitude to fraud, explains its nature and allocates responsibilities for prevention and reporting of both actual and attempted incidences.

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  • Better FX

    Topics: Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
    Posted: 08.05.2011

    A guide to improved foreign exchange practice in the UK charity sector

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  • World Vision UK - Serious Incidents Employee Reporting Policy

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 01.04.2011

    World Vision UK - Serious Incidents Employee Reporting Policy

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  • World Vision UK - Serious Incidents Policy

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 01.04.2011

    This Policy sets out how World Vision UK (WVUK) seeks to ensure compliance with the Serious Incidentreporting requirements of the Charity Commission (the Commission) which are set out on its website. It outlines the responsibilities of Trustees, Management and all Staff.

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  • Annual Report 2010-11

    Posted: 31.03.2011
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  • White Paper - 10 Essential Questions to ask your Prospective Software Supplier

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 16.03.2011

    This paper outlines 10 questions to ask your supplier during the selection process and highlights the key areas medium sized organisation should consider.

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  • White Paper - Reducing Complexity with Web-based Accounting

    Topics: IT, technology and digital / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 16.03.2011
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  • Creating a Strategic Investment Policy

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Investment
    Posted: 27.01.2011

    Tips on how to create a strategic investment policy.

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