Knowledge Hub

  • How well do charities use the internet and what are the barriers to its use?

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 17.12.2009

    The Internet is a global communication tool. It has become an important part of our lives. There aren’t many charities left that haven’t taken advantage of it. There are a variety ways that charities can use it successfully and at the same time there are plenty of barriers for successful usage of the Internet.

    This assignment looks at the advantages offered to charities by the Internet and then the reasons why they might be unable to optimize those advantages.

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  • Impact reporting: Value vs. Cost: Looking at a Sample Of Charities, Which Has Led to the Biggest Impact?

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 11.12.2009

    Charities are under increasing pressure to measure and communicate the impact of their work. This pressure is both internal (as organisations struggle with the recession) and external (as beneficiaries, funders and regulators demand proof of value and accountability).

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  • BRCS Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy

    Topics: Fraud
    Posted: 09.12.2009

    The document outlines how BRCS identifies and responds to fraud and corruption, including advice on working with partner organisations and reporting duties for staff members.

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  • Fraud Response Plan

    Topics: Fraud
    Posted: 09.12.2009

    Features detailed guidance on how to uncover and respond to fraud. Detailed breakdown of immediate action, chain of command, planning and preparation and appropriate responses from management.

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  • Charity Incorporation Made Simple

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 01.12.2009

    Charity Incorporation Made Simple

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  • Would you like to save 20% of your travel budget?

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 11.11.2009

    Tips for saving on your travel budget from Key Travel.

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  • Financial Reserves Policy and Current Target Reserve Levels

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Investment
    Posted: 04.11.2009

    This document covers principles, structures and definitions, purposes of each fund, investment considerations and monitoring and reviewing the policy.

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  • Authority Limits

    Topics: Fraud / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 02.10.2009

    This policy names the Directors and Managers who have the authority to purchase goods and services and/or to make payments on the charity’s behalf.

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  • Cheque Signing and Authorisation

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 01.10.2009

    This document begins with procedures and internal controls, including the responsibilities of trustees, employees placing orders for goods or services, employees authorising expenditure, cheque signatories and the finance manager.

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  • Managing Risk - Keeping in control

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Risk
    Posted: 30.09.2009

    The eighth annual risk management survey, “Managing risk – keeping in control”.

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  • Ethical Purchasing Policy

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 11.09.2009

    Ethical purchasing policy from Oxfam.

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  • Purchasing, Procurement and Invoicing

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 26.08.2009

    Purchasing, procurement and invoicing.

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