Knowledge Hub

  • Authority Limits

    Topics: Fraud / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 02.10.2009

    This policy names the Directors and Managers who have the authority to purchase goods and services and/or to make payments on the charity’s behalf.

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  • Cheque Signing and Authorisation

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 01.10.2009

    This document begins with procedures and internal controls, including the responsibilities of trustees, employees placing orders for goods or services, employees authorising expenditure, cheque signatories and the finance manager.

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  • Managing Risk - Keeping in control

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Risk
    Posted: 30.09.2009

    The eighth annual risk management survey, “Managing risk – keeping in control”.

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  • Ethical Purchasing Policy

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 11.09.2009

    Ethical purchasing policy from Oxfam.

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  • Purchasing, Procurement and Invoicing

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 26.08.2009

    Purchasing, procurement and invoicing.

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  • Financial Regulations

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 06.07.2009

    This document describes in detail the financial standing orders of the organisation that apply to all members of staff and council.

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  • Risk Management Health Check

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Risk
    Posted: 01.07.2009

    A travel risk management checklist.

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  • Investment Policy

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Investment
    Posted: 18.06.2009

    This document covers the objectives of the policy, implementation, ethical considerations, and ancillary aspects including portfolio management and structure, risk management, types of investment, restrictions, cash and short-term investment holdings outside investment portfolios, and definitions.

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  • Websites Made Simple

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 01.06.2009

    This guide is aimed at anyone who is wondering whether their organisation is making the most effective use of their website, or who has already decided they need to make some changes. By the end of it you should have a better understanding of the choices your organisation has in relation to its website, and how to make the necessary decisions.

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  • Travel & Subsistence Policy And Procedures

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 26.05.2009

    Travel & Subsistence Policy And Procedures.

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  • Carrying out a Sustainability Audit - Sustainability in Practice: Appendix C

    Topics: Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
    Posted: 01.05.2009

    Carrying out a sustainability audit will allow you to identify exactly what kind of impacts you have and the timing and scale of the action you need to take. You can get a consultant in to do an audit for you, or you can do it inhouse.

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  • Management Approaches to Sustainability - Sustainability in Practice: Appendix D

    Topics: Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
    Posted: 01.05.2009

    The full copy of the Green Dragon Environmental Standard, which is available by contacting them, contains a very useful appendix which shows how the Green Dragon Standard, the British Standard 8555 (on which the Acorn Scheme is based), ISO 14001 and EMAS relate to one another.

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