Knowledge Hub

  • Welcome to IFR4NPO

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 07.10.2020

    WATCH: Our welcome to the International Financial Reporting for Non Profit Organisations (IFR4NPO). This video introduces this new initiative which aims to develop internationally applicable financial reporting guidance for non-profit organisations.

  • Finance Focus September

    Topics: Investment / Risk / Charity finance policy / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Fraud / Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting / People and culture / IT, technology and digital / Gift Aid / Tax and VAT / Leadership and career development / Crisis management
    Posted: 22.09.2020

    Let's raise our voice to raise Gift Aid!

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  • How to avoid bias in job advert writing

    Topics: People and culture / Leadership and career development
    Posted: 18.09.2020
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  • Finance Focus August

    Topics: Crisis management / Leadership and career development / Governance, legal and compliance / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Charity finance policy / Risk
    Posted: 18.08.2020

    Rethinking the future

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  • Planning for the future in light of Covid-19

    Topics: Crisis management / Leadership and career development
    Posted: 03.08.2020

  • Finance Focus July

    Topics: Leadership and career development / Governance, legal and compliance / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Charity finance policy
    Posted: 17.07.2020

    As Caron Bradshaw celebrates a decade at the helm, we ask what next for CFG?

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  • Finance Focus June

    Topics: Crisis management
    Posted: 18.06.2020

    Covid19 and lockdown: What happened next?

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  • Coronavirus: financial reporting issues for charities

    Topics: Crisis management / Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 03.06.2020
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  • How to guide: Covid 19 Charities SORP Committee Guidance

    Topics: Crisis management / Accounting and reporting / Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 03.06.2020
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  • Finance Focus May 2020

    Posted: 14.05.2020

    View online version or get the pdf below

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  • The Pink Book 2020

    Posted: 11.05.2020

    Our member-only annual handbook for 2020

    View online version or download below

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  • Natwest support to the charity sector

    Topics: Charity finance policy
    Posted: 29.04.2020
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