The #RightNow campaign has got off to a flying start. Thousands of charity workers, volunteers and supporters are today [Wednesday 17 February] sharing on social media the work they do, and explaining why they’re calling on the government to provide an Emergency Support Fund.
An open letter to the prime minister setting out why the sector needs greater support has already collected more than 500 signatures from sector leaders and others, and the number continues to grow. We wrote to the Chancellor to outline our ask ahead of the campaign launch.
CFG's CEO, Caron Bradshaw OBE, comments: "We know that charities and social enterprises play a critical role, not just in responding to the pandemic within their communities, but as part of social causes that can’t wait for the Covid crisis to pass.
"Together, they help to feed the hungry, house the homeless, hold the hands of the dying, find a cure for cancer, preserve our nation’s treasures, and so much more.
"And #RightNow this safety net that is pulled so expertly together by social change organisations is fraying fast. #RightNow our #NeverMoreNeeded sector needs help too."
Read Caron's latest blog post on what the government now needs to do to help.
If you haven’t yet got involved, please do! Head to the #RightNow campaign page to download social media assets, sign the open letter and support the call for an Emergency Support Fund.
Don't forget to use the hashtags #RightNow and #NeverMoreNeeded in your posts and please feel free to mention @CFGtweets so we can share and amplify your incredible work!

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