As the Nolans once sang, I’m in the mood for dancing. Except I’m not – I’m in the mood for conferencing!
After a warm-up last week at SCVO’s The Gathering, bringing together the voluntary and community sector from across Scotland for a great couple of days in Glasgow, I’m really looking forward to CFG’s Annual Conference Week which starts next Monday (27 June).
We’ve three days of online workshops, then the in-person conference on Thursday (30 June) in London. Have you booked your place yet? It’s not too late…
Members make any membership organisation and I can’t wait to meet as many as I can. This will be the first time I’ve been to CFG’s Annual Conference as my background is policy and communications, rather than charity finance. But listening to members, finding out their views, challenges and insight is absolutely fundamental to the work of CFG’s Policy and Communications Directorate. So, if you’re at the conference, please come and say hello.
The conference theme this year is purposeful and empowering. For me, purposeful organisations are focused and driving towards making the change they want to happen, happen. There will be plenty of material in our Leadership and Strategy and Futureproofing streams at the conference on being purposeful.
An organisation which empowers the community it serves – whether that’s a community of place, action or interest – puts people at the heart of its operations. And the people within your organisation are your biggest resource and your best ambassadors. Have a look at the Charity HR Network stream for what’s on offer, whether your people are staff or volunteers.
How we work on the inside of our organisation has a real bearing on how we work – and the impact we make – on the outside. And don’t forget to also have a look at the online workshops – there are seven to choose from!
One thing I love about conferences – apart from the people – is the chance to step out of my usual ‘zone’ and learn about something new. As a CFG newbie, I’ll be making sure I catch one of the Technical or Risk and Resilience stream sessions.
From my behind the scenes seat here at CFG I can see everyone working hard to make sure we put on the best conference possible – there’s excitement at our first post-pandemic, in person event, a focus on making sure we think about accessibility through our online sessions, and a quiet determination to bring everything together by next Thursday… I can’t wait!

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