CFG’s new online Knowledge Hub has launched today [8 June 2022].
The Knowledge Hub brings together the charity finance community’s collective knowledge and experience, all in one easy-to-access place on the website.
“We’re delighted to be launching our new online Knowledge Hub for members and the wider charity finance community today," says Emma Abbott, CFG's Communications Manager, who led the development project.
"Serving our community with high-quality content is at the heart of what CFG does. Since the pandemic, it has become even more important that we connect with members and share our collective knowledge online.
“This new section on the website brings together, all in one place, our community’s collective thought leadership, expertise and experience. For our members and partners, it has never been easier to share and access our community’s collective knowledge. And for the wider sector and community, it will serve as a shop window on charity finance best practice and excellence.”
Dr Clare Mills, Director of Policy and Communications, adds: “Our new Knowledge Hub is the culmination of months of hard work to make our website not only easier to use and access, but to make it the first place members and partners go to for advice, news and thought leadership.
“This is just one part of CFG’s wider digital first strategy which will make all our processes more efficient and streamlined. Like most charities, making best use of the digital resources we have is key to ensuring our members and the wider sector can rely on us to deliver relevant, timely content that inspires excellence in charity finance.”
Key points
- With nearly 1500 member organisations, CFG’s Knowledge Hub will be a source of information, knowledge and support for thousands of people working in charity finance. (Not yet a member? Find out more).
- The Knowledge Hub will deliver more high-quality thought leadership and technical content.
- The Knowledge Hub gives partners more opportunities to share and promote their expertise, events and research.
Would you like to find out more? Do you have a story, advice, best practice or news you’d like to share with the CFG community? Contributing has never been easier! Please get in touch to discuss your ideas and find out more about opportunities for advertising and promotion on our website.
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