Thanks to generous funding through The Rank Foundation's Time2Shine programme, CFG has created a brand new post for an aspiring leader. Dionne Sturdy-Clow talks about her new role, how she'll be shaping CFG's #TickTheBox campaign and how she'd like every charity to get involved.

Hi Dionne! Tell me about you and how you came to be at CFG as Gift Aid Project Officer?
This new role at CFG is funded by the Rank Foundation, an awesome organisation who do a lot of great work in our sector, including a programme that funds full-time roles within charities.
The great part is that these roles are designed specifically for people who may have the right potential, but not necessarily the direct experience of leading projects and working in a charity!
I've been lucky enough to work with several charities, including Cancer Research UK and St John Ambulance, mainly working with volunteers. I saw the advert for Gift Aid Project Officer in late 2023 and was really excited about the work CFG does as it empowers charities to use their money and other resources effectively.
Knowing a bit about Gift Aid and its importance to charities, I saw this as an opportunity to make a real and tangible impact in the sector, as well as grow my own skills.
Tell me more about your role and work. What does it involve?
The role was created so that someone could work on CFG's Gift Aid Awareness Day campaign and connect with other organisations and people interested in this work.
I'm now working to bring the 2024 campaign to life, getting feedback from charities, corporate partners and other umbrella bodies to shape new resources for Gift Aid Awareness Day and find the best ways to get everyone involved.
The #TickTheBox campaign started in 2018 for charities across the sector to celebrate what they can achieve with Gift Aid, increase participation, public understanding and highlight the value Gift Aid has in the sector - £1.2bn to be exact!
What is Gift Aid exactly? Why is it important?
Gift Aid is tax relief - or money the government gives back - when you donate to charity and some non-profit organisations. Essentially, every time a taxpayer in the UK donates to a charity, if they tick the Gift Aid box (complete a form) the charity can claim an extra 25% of the value of that donation at no extra cost to the donor. The money comes from the government. Pretty cool, right?
Every year, more than £1bn of Gift Aid money goes back to those charities that are part of the scheme and claim the money. But it's estimated that more than £500m goes unclaimed every year. This is why the Gift Aid Awareness Day and associated campaigns in the Gift Aid space are so important: we want charities to be able to access all the funding they are entitled to, to keep supporting each amazing cause.
How are you planning to share that message with others?
This year, we want the campaign to be truly collaborative; that means we are encouraging everyone to get involved! Each year, CFG provides resources to share on social media and in charity retail shops for Gift Aid Awareness Day. This year, it's on Thursday 3 October!
These resources support public and sector understanding and participation, as well as an opportunity for charities to shout about everything they have achieved since last October!
What are you most looking forward to about Gift Aid Awareness Day?
Seeing what everyone collectively can do! From small charities to large, umbrella bodies to corporate partners, it's an incredible day when everyone comes together to shout about the power and importance of Gift Aid, learn and shares.
Inclusivity and collaboration is important to you... How can people get involved and help?
You can help shape our Gift Aid resources by filling out our Enquiry Form, as well as registering for updates on GAAD resources and events.
We would love to hear from you and get your feedback and insights on how to make Gift Aid Awareness Day the most impactful so far.
And the work doesn't begin and end on Gift Aid Awareness Day. Through the year, CFG and other partner organisations are working hard in the policy space - with Government and others - to make claiming Gift Aid easier and quicker to claim.
What can charities do now to get involved?
Plenty! Fill in the Enquiry Form, and if a charity has a great story or ideas to share for this year's campaign, I'd love to hear it!
We want to make Gift Aid Awareness Day the most impactful so far, so please feel welcome to email me! You can also email our campaign inbox:
Anything else you'd like to add or share?
Please participate! It may feel hard to get excited about the topic of tax relief - but it is easy to get excited about what charities can achieve with more money in their pots to do great things with!
Well said! Thanks, Dionne!
Find out more about Rank's Time to Shine leadership programme.