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Thank you for being a part of CFG's Annual Conference Week 2023!
We are delighted to share with you the slides from the 26 insightful sessions held during Annual Conference week.
The Future of Workplace
Charity financial governance and trustee responsibilities
Investment zone
Building back better? Wellbeing at the heart of policy and practice
Remote and hybrid working - managing the tax risks
Endgame for defined benefit pension schemes: buy-in and buy-out
Stronger together: reflections on a charity merger
Spending reserves, now or never?
Inflation and changing interest rates - ensuring financial resilience
How charities can survive the cost-of-living crisis and emerge stronger and more resilient
ESG and the new era of economic uncertainty
Resilience: navigating the storm within your charity
Leadership in uncertain volatile times
The new era of CFOs
Charities facing challenges; seeking cost-effective solutions
Trustee: friend or foe, coach or commander?
Creating a compelling Employee Value Proposition for your charity
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through the lens of charity finance
How to create a culture of inclusion
Delivering organisational performance through people and culture
How can finance get fit for the future - a transformation to thrive
Planning for the future - making digital real at the National Youth Orchestra
Rebuilding finance
Generational diversity - how diverse is your board?