Knowledge Hub

  • Planning for the future in light of Covid-19

    Topics: Crisis management / Leadership and career development
    Posted: 03.08.2020

  • Lets 'buzz as loudly as we can'

    Posted by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 30.07.2020

    By Caron Bradshaw, CEO at Charity Finance Group

    Time to read: 4 minutes
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  • Finance Focus July

    Topics: Leadership and career development / Governance, legal and compliance / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Charity finance policy
    Posted: 17.07.2020

    As Caron Bradshaw celebrates a decade at the helm, we ask what next for CFG?

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  • Summer Economic Update

    Topics: Crisis management / Gift Aid / Tax and VAT / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Charity finance policy
    Posted by: Guest blogger
    On: 08.07.2020

    Richard Sagar, Policy Manager, sets out a briefing on today's Economic Update by the Chancellor aided by commentary from our corporate partner experts. Together, they examine how the announcements might affect charities and what we might expect from the Autumn Spending Review.

    Please contact us at if you'd like to get in touch.

    Time to read: 11 minutes
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  • "Whack-a-mole" economic update

    Topics: Charity finance policy
    Posted by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 08.07.2020

    Caron Bradshaw shares her thoughts ahead of today's economic update.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Recruiting trustees from Black and Asian network organisations - it really isn’t rocket science!

    Topics: People and culture
    Posted by: Guest blogger
    On: 06.07.2020

    Malcolm John the founder of Action for Trustee Racial Diversity shares insights gained from his quest to improve racial diversity at board level.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Updated Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Guidance

    Topics: Crisis management / People and culture
    Posted by: Guest blogger
    On: 22.06.2020

    Richard Sagar, Policy Manager at CFG gives an update on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

    Time to read: 1 minutes
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  • The sky is falling in

    Topics: Crisis management
    Posted by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 19.06.2020

    Caron Bradshaw reflects on what the most recent research on the financial impact of Covid-19 on charities is telling us and concludes that far from crying wolf, the wolf is at the door and it's time to shout about it.

    Time to read: 4 minutes
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  • Finance Focus June

    Topics: Crisis management
    Posted: 18.06.2020

    Covid19 and lockdown: What happened next?

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  • Don't leave us stranded

    Posted by: Caron Bradshaw
    On: 10.06.2020


    By Caron Bradshaw, CEO at Charity Finance Group

    Time to read: 4 minutes
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  • Charity Commission guidance on Serious Incident Reporting during the coronavirus pandemic

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Crisis management
    Posted by: Guest blogger
    On: 04.06.2020

    By Roberta Fusco, Director of Policy and Engagement at CFG


    Time to read: 1 minutes
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  • Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme update

    Topics: Crisis management / Charity finance policy / People and culture
    Posted by: Guest blogger
    On: 04.06.2020

    By Richard Sagar, Policy Manager, Charity Finance Group.

    On 29 May, at the daily press briefing, the Chancellor announced that the government’s five tests for easing lockdown measures had been met and set out how the government thinks we can now take careful but deliberate steps to reopen our economy.

    Time to read: 2 minutes
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