Knowledge Hub

  • ICT Policy - Wales Council for Voluntary Action

    Topics: IT, technology and digital
    Posted: 01.02.2007

    ICT policy template from WCVA.

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  • Pension Policy

    Topics: People and culture
    Posted: 01.01.2007

    Pension policy template.

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  • Registering for Gift Aid

    Topics: Gift Aid
    Posted: 01.01.2007

    This is one of the Institute of Fundraising’s Did You Know series of briefings.

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  • Cash and Treasury Management

    Topics: Accounting and reporting
    Posted: 16.06.2006

    Benchmarking workshop: Cash and treasury management.

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  • Governance in NGOs

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 05.06.2006

    An overview of the role of governance in non-profits and charities.

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  • Annual report 2005-06

    Posted: 31.03.2006
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  • The Charity Treasurers Forum

    Topics: Accounting and reporting / Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 07.02.2006

    The Voluntary Sector has a number of bodies that bring key people together. They roll off the tongue CFDG, NCVO, ACVO Institute of Fundraising etc.

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  • Crisis Management Business Continuity

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 02.01.2006

    Crisis Management Business Continuity

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  • Code of Governance

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 01.07.2005

    The Code of Governance is primarily aimed at the trustees of voluntary and community organisations.

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  • Getting the price right

    Topics: Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
    Posted: 23.06.2005

    Getting the price right for charities.

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  • Annual Report 2004-05

    Topics: Accounting and reporting / Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted: 31.03.2005
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  • VAT Issues Around Membership

    Topics: Tax and VAT
    Posted: 15.03.2005

    Helen Elliott, partner at Sayer Vincent, considers the issues of VAT on membership subscriptions and provides some examples of apportionment.

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