Knowledge Hub

  • CFG comments

    Why I value CFG's Wellbeing Week

    Topics: People and culture
    Written by: Dr Clare Mills
    On: 13.12.2023

    Since 2021, CFG has been observing two Wellbeing Weeks a year. Clare Mills, Director of Policy and Communications at CFG, explains why taking extra time out to focus on our physical and mental health is so vital.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Policy

    CFG Briefing: Autumn Statement 2023

    Topics: Tax and VAT / Pensions / Governance, legal and compliance / Funding / Financial sustainability / Environmental, social, governance (ESG) / Economy and policy / Accounting and reporting
    Written by: Richard Sagar
    On: 22.11.2023

    What does the Chancellor's Autumn Statement mean for you and your organisation? Richard Sagar, Head of Policy, CFG, takes an in-depth look.

    Time to read: 24 minutes
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  • Diversity in practice: charity governance

    Topics: People and culture / Governance, legal and compliance
    Posted by: CFG
    On: 31.10.2023

    Is your charity board clear on best practice around diversity? Sung-Hyui Park and Tesse Akpeki from Bates Wells take a look at the Charity Governance Code and share its key points.


    Time to read: 2 minutes
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  • Guide

    What to consider when running a charity audit tender process

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Written by: Richard Barker
    On: 19.10.2023

    Are you thinking about changing your auditors? Wondering how to go about it? Richard Barker, Director of Finance and Resources at Goodenough College, shares some advice.

    Time to read: 5 minutes
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  • AI: opportunities, threats and policy

    Topics: IT, technology and digital / Governance, legal and compliance / Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
    Written by: Eleonor Duhs
    On: 19.10.2023

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly and adoption is moving at a lightening pace too. Eleonor Duhs from Bates Wells takes a look at how policy-makers in the EU, US and UK are trying to keep pace.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Capital gains tax changes and maximising your charity’s fundraising

    Topics: Tax and VAT / Investment
    Written by: Paul Mathias
    On: 12.10.2023

    Charities can benefit from donations of shares and it can be advantageous to individual donors too. Paul Mathias from RBC Brewin Dolphin explains how recent tax changes can boost charitable giving.

    Time to read: 4 minutes
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  • Long read

    "I do feel their pain!"

    Topics: Governance, legal and compliance / Accounting and reporting
    Written by: Sam Burne James
    On: 12.10.2023

    Recent research by CFG shows that charity audits are becoming ever more costly and complex. At the same time, auditing is fast-evolving and needs to attract more talent. What, if anything can be done about it? Is it time for a rethink on audit? Sam Burne James investigates…

    Time to read: 7 minutes
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  • Join us! CFG's Peer Mentoring Scheme 2023 starts soon

    Topics: People and culture / Leadership and career development
    Written by: Zoe Bennett
    On: 09.10.2023

    Supporting members on their leadership journey is at the heart of CFG's work. CFG's Zoe Bennett shares an update on this year's Peer Mentoring Scheme and our finance leaders network. There's still time to get involved!

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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  • Video

    Gift Aid 101 with Rachel Cooper

    Topics: Tax and VAT / Governance, legal and compliance / Gift Aid
    Posted by: Emma Abbott
    On: 05.10.2023

    Join Gift Aid expert Rachel Cooper and CFG's Richard Sagar to learn how to get going with Gift Aid and avoid common errors when making claims.

    Time to read: 1 minutes
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  • Campaign

    Gift Aid: avoiding common pitfalls

    Topics: Tax and VAT / Risk / Gift Aid
    Written by: Louise Veragoo
    On: 05.10.2023

    Claiming Gift Aid doesn't have to be a headache. Louise Veragoo from Haysmacintyre looks the common pitfalls and opportunities for getting the most out of your charity’s Gift Aid claim.



    Time to read: 2 minutes
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  • Gift Aid: How giving to charity can reduce your tax bill

    Topics: Tax and VAT / Gift Aid
    Written by: Akin Coker
    On: 05.10.2023

    Donating to your favourite charities can have a feel-good effect but did you know that your generosity could also potentially reduce your tax bill? Akin Coker from Buzzacott explains how.

    Time to read: 5 minutes
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  • Campaign

    Gift Aid: How to maximise donations made through fundraising events

    Topics: Tax and VAT / Gift Aid / Financial sustainability
    Written by: Judith Pederzolli
    On: 05.10.2023

    If your charity holds events to raise funds, the rules on when you can and can't claim Gift Aid can be tricky to navigate. Judith Pederzolli from PEM shares expert advice so you don't miss out on a single penny.

    Time to read: 3 minutes
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