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Gift Aid

Thousands of charities join to mark Gift Aid Awareness Day 2024

Gift Aid Awareness Day has been and gone for another year. CFG's Dionne Sturdy-Clow and Glyn Sheldon reflect on the campaign and invite you to get involved again next year.

In a blink of an eye, the 2024 Gift Aid Awareness Day came and went.

On Thursday 3 October, charitable organisations took to social media to highlight the importance of ‘ticking the box’, and the positive impact this can have on the communities that charities serve. Among those raising awareness were MPs, HMRC and Martin Lewis/MoneySavingExpert.

A key highlight of the day was a CFG webinar that was attended by 180 charity professionals who sought advice from Steve Carroll from HMRC and Liz Day from Buzzacott. Together, Steve and Liz answered questions from attendees and provided invaluable technical advice on numerous aspects of this vital tax relief.

CFG’s Gift Aid Project Officer Dionne Sturdy-Clow commented: "It is great to see so many organisations attending our webinar and this highlights the desire for charities to access resources to assist with them Gift Aid."


CFG would like to express its sincere gratitude to all those who participated in the Gift Aid Awareness Day campaign. CFG is particularly thankful to those who responded to our Gift Aid survey, shared social media posts, and attended our webinar, as well as to Steve Carroll and Liz Day for their expertise during the webinar.

Dionne added: “I am particularly thankful to all of the organisations who engaged with our toolkit and took to social media to spread awareness this GAAD. We had a record number of toolkit downloads this year and we’ve been blown away by the creativity of charities who’ve created their own content to support the campaign”.

“There have been some brilliant videos shared in charity shops up and down the country and, as Gift Aid is worth £1.6bn annually to the sector, it is vital that donors are made of aware of the extra boost they can give to charities."

Dionne continued: "The success of this campaign demonstrates the importance of Gift Aid to charities and CFG remains committed to raising awareness amongst donors and advocating for improvements to the Gift Aid process, ensuring that charities can make the most out of their donations."

Work has already begun on preparations for the 2025 campaign and charities can register their interest by completing this form.

For those looking for more information on the subject, our Gift Aid hub is packed with resources to help charities register for, claim and maximise Gift Aid. The hub also contains our Gift Aid report which features analysis and recommendations from our recent survey.

If you would like to share or signpost any helpful resources, please email the team.


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