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Talking about... Charity reserves

We're talking about... What are reserves? Does your charity need them and if so, how should they be managed? Three charity CEOs - Sarah Vibert, Jane Ide and Caron Bradshaw, explore the issues on the CFG podcast. Listen...


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Is your charity or non-profit talking about reserves for rainy days? What are charity reserves? Should all charities have them? And is it time to rethink when and how rainy day funds are used and not used?

These are just a few of the questions Sarah Vibert, CEO of NCVO, puts to Jane Ide, CEO of ACEVO and Caron Bradshaw, CEO of Charity Finance Group, in this latest charity finance podcast.

We also share a range of resources to help you better manage your charity's reserves and make your charity's funds go further:


A research report into charity reserves management in Scotland (lots of useful stats and insights for those elsewhere in the UK)

Webinars, articles, other podcasts

Modern reserves with Scottish Grantmakers and CFG (2023)

Thinking about reserves, by Caron Bradshaw (2022)

Rainy days and reserves, by Caron Bradshaw (2021)

Third Sector podcast: Raid of replenish? (2023)


Writing the financial procedures: reserves policy, NCVO (December 2022)

Running a charity: Financial Difficulty and Insolvency, NCVO (December 2022)

And finally, an oldie but still a goodie: Beyond Reserves, CFG/ACEVO/CIoF (2012) (Scheduled to be updated early 2024).




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