
People and culture

Update on the Apprenticeship Levy

CFG's policy team have been working to ensure the forthcoming Apprenticeship Levy works for charities, and that charities are aware of the impact of it.

A brief update on what we've been working on is below.

1) Meeting with the Skills Minister

On March 10, CFG arranged a roundtable meeting with the Skills Minister, Nick Boles MP, and six of our charity members to discuss the Apprenticeship Levy, the challenges it poses to the charity sector and how these challenges can be addressed.

You can read the summary of what was discussed at that meeting.

2) CFG submits written evidence to the Sub-Committee on Skills, Education and the Economy

Read CFG's written evidence to the Sub-Committee on Skills Education and the Economy on the impact of the Apprenticesip Levy on the charity sector.

This submission sets out a number of challenges that limit the charity sector's ability to engage effectively with the Apprenticeship Levy, thereby undermining the levy's capacity to drive up skills across all sections of the economy, and how CFG believes these can be mitigated.

CFG's recommendations include:

  • Charity representation on the new board of the Institute of Apprenticeships
  • Existing and future public service contracts to include the cost of the levy in the contract agreement
  • Government to provide seed funding to develop skills infrastructure in the charity sector
  • Ring fencing unspent levy funds so that the charitable funds are not re-directed to subsidise apprenticeships in private businesses.
  • Allow charities to use the Levy to cover direct costs of employing apprenticeships as well as training costs.

3) Charity roundtable with the Department for Business Innovation and Skills

On January 14 2016, CFG hosted a roundtable with BIS officials and 35 of our charity members to discuss the Apprenticeship Levy.

Download the notes from the meeting.

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