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A personal appeal from Caron

Can you help support CFG and the vital work we're doing right now; ensuring we're here to keep helping the sector, as we navigate these torrid times? CFG's CEO, Caron Bradshaw OBE, makes a personal appeal.


It's often said that desperate times call for desperate measures… As we approach 2022 and the effects of the pandemic continue to impact, I'm asking for your help once more.

Everything CFG does depends on our relationship with you, our supporters. Covid-19 has proven to us how much we need you to enable us to serve the sector, and how much you need and value us in return. It is a relationship of mutual benefit and, we believe, mutual trust.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, CFG faced great uncertainty and financial pressure. With your help, we were able to address many of our income pressures and the whole team pulled together and worked incredibly hard to reduce costs, reducing our projected potential funding gap for 2020-21 to a bearable c-£150k

But CFG has very few levers to pull which would change the financial position without undermining the delivery of our charitable objects.

So we’re again asking you, our wonderful members and supporters, if you can help...

We’ve had some super support from a number of foundations already but, as you know, these support programmes are under great pressure, often not focused on infrastructure or core costs and are not bottomless.

If you have company-related foundations, access to philanthropists or other grant-makers who could help, we would be really grateful to hear from you.

And if you are willing and able, please donate and help CFG to carry on inspiring the charity sector to be financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy.

We know we will survive and that CFG is a sustainable entity but, in common with many across the sector, we’re running to stand still and this is taking its toll on the team.

We can't say it enough - your help at this time and your ongoing support is deeply appreciated.

With sincere and heartfelt thanks,


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